Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Oh Those Crazy Crawleys!

SPOILER ALERT:   I've watched 5 episodes of Season 4.

Juice is so delish!
Oooh MaMA!  Orange juice!  How lovely!  We Americans need a little sunshiney citrus reminder once in a while.

UGH this Anna storyline is on my nerves.  Just tell Mr. Bates.  Or don't.  But stop sulking.  I KNOW I KNOW - that's AWFUL.  I feel AWFUL for her...and THAT'S why I can't stand her sadness!!  Anna is the happiest person in that house!  It's killing me!!!

Um...what was that?  Something about
signing something?  I don't remember!
Poor Edith.  Hasn't heard from her boytoy in a while.  We all know why.  HE'S SCREWING HER OVER!  But it's OK because MaMA "expects he's busy."  What a brilliant woman, that MaMA is.  Such intelligence...with just a little touch of barbiturate.

"A wonder your halo doesn't grow heavy; it must be like wearing a tiara around the clock."   Oh I love when the Dowager is in a flippant mood!

Well I'll be damned.
She actually knows she has a kid
living somewhere in the house!
Oh look!  Mary has a baby! Who knew?!

Does anyone know who this guy is who's having tea with MaMA, PaPA and Lady Mary??  Mary seems to dig him...and I have no idea who he is.  How is that possible??

OH BATES! This is a terrible position to put Mrs. Hughes in.  Terrible!  And SMART!  SHIT!  Here she goes!!! OMG SHE'S GOING TO TELL!!!!  OMG!!!  She's singing like a canary!!!

Absolute hilarity =   Edith: "Welcome to the club."  Mary: "Oh stop moaning."

Mr Carson should stop bullying Mr Molesley.  What a douche!  Just TRY and understand what he's saying, maybe??  Walk a mile in HIS shoes, Chumley!

"I can't lose Sybil's child.  It's too much to bear."  Good one, PaPA.  You probably don't even know her name.  And does MaMA even REMEMBER Sybil?  Because she seems much too lively and happy to me.  She was your youngest child, sister!  It's almost unCOMfortable to watch her bordering nutty jovial quips.

Awww.  Poor Alfred.  He's wanted to be a cook since...since...since at least last week.  Daisy's all "Woot!  Alfred's staying!  I get to watch him salivate over Ivy who makes out with Jimmy every day!  Fantastic!

Ohhhh Lordddd.  Anna and Bates are making my cry my eyes out.  This is some of the greatest acting I've seen in years.  "I've been spoiled for you."  KILLING ME!

Well...PaPA is now lending money to his renters to pay him the money they owe him.  Think about that.  Gosh that PaPA is a savvy businessman.  NOT.  For once, I agree with Mary's inner bitch!  NOT that I don't feel bad for the guy...but...helLOOOO?  Downton isn't exactly a thriving fiefdom.

Jail food wasn't so bad...

Wow...WHAT is Mr. Bates going to do???  I'm afraid he's going to beat the snot outta some poor soul who shows up to deliver cheese!!!

HOW am I supposed to wait until next week???


  1. I don't know who the guy with designs on Mary is either! I thought it was just me. I almost started watching from season 1 to get a grip on things. I was crying with the Anna and Bates thing too. Heart wrenching acting!

    1. Knowing me, I have totally forgotten who he is. We'll see... LOL

  2. Um, Edith went into a doctor's office??? She's been wearing loose dresses...

    1. I know she went to a doctor's office but I didn't notice the loose dresses. THAT is going to be interesting...especially once we find out what's up with Gregson!

  3. Hmmm, trying to remember the bits jangling in my memory...Mr. Napier, the old friend/auditor fellow who stopped by to see Mary, was in Season 1. I remember he and Mary feeling each other out as possible marriage material. I don't remember the reason it didn't work. After Mr. Pamuk gave up the ghost in her bed, Mary went to stay with Aunt Rosamund in London - I believe that was the last stop before having to "find an Italian that isn't too picky" according to Grandmama. Anyway, she was socially sunned there and didn't know why. I remember this Mr. Napier coming to visit her there and breaking the news that it was because Edith wrote the Embassy, spilling the about Mary & Pamuk.

    Any money Edith is preggers and Michael is poof. But why did he sign things over to her, I wonder? And Mr. Bates is da man. Look out Mr. Greene because he's going to hunt him down, methinks.

    1. Ya know...I hate to be a skeptic...but I didn't believe he signed things over to her. She barely looked at it...so I'm wondering what he's up to. Especially with him admitting to spending time with shady people in his past. And I really like him - so I hate thinking this way!!

      NICE CALL on Mr. Napier. I could not, for the life of me, remember who he was!! Thanks!

  4. Evelyn Napier was the (too boring for Mary) fellow who brought Mr. Pamuk to Downton. Now he seems to be the one bringing his boss to stay at Downton, and possibly the next candidate for Matthew's replacement.

    1. Someone doesn't seem so boring to Mary these days, now, does he?? ;)

  5. Bates Bates Bates. Totally blew his chance to trick Anna into telling him it was the valet by pretending Hughes had already told him. I want to see a twist like Hughes or Anna off the raping bastard themselves to save Batesy from himself and the noose.

    Edith will definitely be preggers after having signed mystery papers without reading them. Will they be marriage papers? German citizenship papers? Document admitting she was sleeping with a married man to help him get his divorce?? Edith is the Sansa Stark of Downton. Not a good decision in that empty head.

    1. "Edith is the Sansa Stark of Downton." Em GEE, Athena! This should be on a T-shirt! Brilliant!!

  6. Ah-ha! I thought he was in some way related to Pamuk. He did mention something about the ghastly business and I didn't know if he meant Paumuk or Matthew!

    1. Too bad they had to kill Mr. Pamuk. He was a fantastic character who could really come in handy now. I'd bring back Theo James as Mr. Pamuk's twin who comes digging around for info about his brother's death...and then falls head over heels for...EDITH! LOLOL!!!
