SPOILER ALERT: I have watched the first episode of season 4.
The following are my thoughts as I was watching the show (be afraid):
I'll be back. Right after I
realize I'm not going to
be the next Bond girl. |
OMG!!! O'Brien LEFT!!! For the same DUMBASS reason Matthew left!! She
got bored didn't love it anymore!!! Oh holy hell, actors can be stupid sometimes. This takes the cake. Did they learn NOTHING from
David Caruso???
You have just got to LOVE MaMA's reaction. "
What will we do?" That really means "
Who will unclasp my $50k necklace while I rub cream onto my elbows????" THANK GOD FOR MRS HUGHES!!! She saved the day, did she not? There will be no self unclasping around HERE, thankyouverymuch.
Daddy wears suits now, darling.
He's a very important something
or other around Mummy's house. |
Is it me...or is Branson quite comfy at the breakfast table with the newspaper?? SOMEONE seems to have settled in quite nicely with all the snots he used to drive around and plan revolts against.
How does PaPA plan to run Downton "
for the baby"? Wasn't he the one who almost ran it into the ground - for himself - a few short months ago?? (And what baby, by the way? That kid is kept under major wraps.)
That's right, London bitches.
EDITH'S back in town. |
Me: "
I think this is the year of Edith!!"
Hubby: (snicker)
"I think you're right."
LOL PaPA is so transparent. "
Don't ask Tom about his job, Mary! He's the loser Irishman that I tolerate living in my house! You just sit there and feel like shit and concentrate on getting better."
Miss O'Brien left...so now Thomas has to spar with Nanny McPhee. It's positively delicious.
We've propped him up like Bernie.
Now eff off before I eat your head. |
OMG Mary is more selfish than ever, I see. Someone needs to go dig up Mr. Pamuk and bring him around to calm her estrogen down a bit. WHAT an absolute bitch! Grief or not! How DARE you speak to Mr. Carson like that!! He's like your second father!!!
Wake me up, before you go go!
I don't wanna miss it when
Mary's head explodes... |
CHOOSE LIFE!!! Oh you can't MAKE THIS SHIT UP!!! They did NOT just have a 5 minute conversation about Mary that resembled a Wham song from 1985!!!!!
GO MRS CRAWLEY!!! Her high horse attitude is actually refreshing for once. That poor woman has it more together than Mary, who never seemed to give much of a shit about Matthew in the first place. "
What? Matthew's gone? NOW who will sit at my feet and offer me the moon?"
Seriously? No bedtime antics with Mr and Mrs Bates on Valentine's Day??? (THANK YOU LORDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!! One sight of the two of them going at it in my lifetime is more than enough, thank you. Oy. I love them...but keep them in the hallway.)

Clearly Nanny West is no Nanny McPhee! Bye Bye! Don't you LOVE how they tricked us with Thomas?? I really thought he was being a douche! Or...WAS he...and he just happened to get lucky when MaMA walked in on her calling poor Sybil's daughter a "cross breed"?? (Being a cross breed, myself, I almost tinkled at that comment.)
I love how MaMA is all "
Nanny West is not to be left alone with the children...not for one minute" with that worried/angry/half-baked look on her face
. Here's an idea, cupcake...why don't YOU take care of your grandchildren for a little while???
OK...PaPA is a riot. "
Are you sure you have time for lunch, Lady Mary, what with all the sitting around doing nothing you have to do today??" ROFLMAO I am going to laugh about that all week.
Poor MaMA. She is very vexed. That blouse truly was a favorite. Ooooh you KNOW this new maid is trouble with a capital T! She's the new O'Brien! Which is such a shame because O'Brien was much better suited to cause trouble with Thomas. There was a dichotomy there that just can't be matched. Watch them write this chick off a second time.
They'd better find someone better fast, too. Mrs. Hughes has way too much of Carson's business to stick her nose in! She doesn't have time for unclasping $50k necklaces!!

Mr. Molesley looks like
Mr. Olsen. Is it me?
And why is Mr. Molesley bouncing around from wealthy house to wealthy house? For the love of God...Mrs. Crawley hired a prostitute and took in some coughing dude who Mr. Carson couldn't stand...yet she can't find poor Molesley a job? Pony UP, woman! Or the Downton crew will find a way to kick YOU out of town, too! You can't expect THEM to hire poor Molesley! They're POOR now! Sortof...
Can't say I'm thrilled about the lack of lines for the Dowager Countess this evening. Oh she had a few zingers "
I don't see why you should have to eat from a tray"...but nothing all that noteworthy. Maybe they're saving her best lines for the next time Shirley Maclaine is on the show. And seeing as I wasn't all that thrilled with Shirley Maclaine's character (as much as I love Shirley!)...I hope that isn't the case.
Favorite moment of the episode? That awkward nightmare between Mary and Edith on the stairs. Tention. Cut. Knife. That's all I'm sayin'...
OMG HOW are we going to wait for next week???