Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Girls Against the Boys

SPOILER ALERT - I have watched 5 episodes of Season 3. 

Holy crap this show just keeps getting better and better.

This weirdness between Thomas and "Jimmy" is bizarre.  Why doesn't James just tell Thomas to back off?

"The Frolicker"
Loved when Mrs. Patmore said, "Do I look like a frolicker?" LOL SO FUNNY.  Mr. Carson had a stick up his ass during this entire episode.  He's gripping the past just like PaPA and it's not going to get either of them anywhere.  Times are-a-changin'!  They better get with it!

The Dowager was also very ON this week.  Loved when she saw Ethel.  "I suppose she has an appropriate costume for every activity!"  I almsot fell off my chair!  I jumped up - ran over to my charging laptop - and typed that line immediately!!!

OMG that Alfred is a douchecanoe of epic proportions.  He thinks he's better than all of them.  And did he speak up when Carson was dressing down James?  No, he did not.  I'm afraid Daisy is going to move to William's father's farm...and I'll miss her!  Don't get me's a fantastic opportunity...and I hope she takes it.  But I just feel so bad for her.  She digs Alfred...but Alfred digs the new chick.  And the new chick digs just can't win. (Make sure you hear that to the tune of "Love Stinks" by the J. Geils Band in your head.)

Couldn't PaPA have sprung for a
few more flowers?  You'd think he
was losing his house or something!
Lady Mary didn't have much going on in this episode and I was pretty glad.  She is borderline offensive in her annoyingness.  Where were she and Edith coming from when they were walking through the fields?  Oh right...nowhere.  I'm surprised Lady Mary didn't mind getting her shoes dirty.

And I'm hoping Edith takes a job at the paper.  Looks like she's going to - and I bet she takes up with her boss over there (who we saw in the scenes for next week.)  Lordddddddd Edith needs a boyfriend...or SOMETHING to cheer her poor ass up.  Well...not "poor", per se.  As long as Matthew is around...

Which brings me to Matthew.  Ugh.  PaPA is SO POMPOUS!  Matthew is like "Look - just let me go and fix up the tenants' farms and houses a la Monarch of the Glen and you stay here and do whatever it is that you do (which seems to be zilch.  I loved when PaPA said "I better go and start my morning" as if that entails anything more than walking the grounds and inviting someone to dinner.)

Poor Cora.  Poor Tom.  Poor anyone who misses Sybil, including me.  And poor Ethel.  Girlfriend just needed to make a buck, yeah?  Who knew she's be less welcome than the a leper with the plague.

And what's happening next week?

MR. BATES COMES HOME!!  YEYYYYY!!!  I can't wait!!  Wonder how long it'll take for Thomas to trip him...steal his stuff...or at least spit in his soup while he's looking the other way.  Anna won't let that happen.  No way.  She will grab Thomas' privates and twist.  Girlfriend's a mama bear.  Roarrrrrr!


  1. Am I the only one who thinks Bates totally killed Vera? He definitely has a little bit of Angry Smurf in him. I am okay with him in prison as a means to avoid another awkward bedroom scene between him and Anna.

    Also, is Lady Mary-- Michelle Dockery-- looking way too thin this season. Girlfriend needs to eat some scones with clotted cream.

    Every time Thomas touches Jimmy, I die a little inside. Douchecanoe is my new favorite word, and Thomas will always win the award for douchecanoe of the week.

    What's up with the season finale airing on Feb. 17th? That's a super short season, no?

    1. NO! I've questioned that a zillion times. LOL Angry smurf. LORDDDDDDD no more bedroom scenes. Please. Pretty please. Yes - Michelle Dockery is beyond thin. I am assuming they like her willowy in the dresses but geez...have a sandwich.

      Why do I love Thomas?! WHY?!? (screamed like Nancy Kerrigan who I have nothin' but love for but she's the only one I think of when I hear myself yelling "why".)

  2. Two hour DA tonight! Yes, Lady Mary needs to eat something. She's probably so crabby because she's hungry and Edith had the better wedding dress. Bates and Anna--ho hum, ho hum. at least we won't have to endure those dismal prison scenes anymore--come on, we tune in to see the gorgeous house, clothes, accents, etc.

    and why am I feeling sorry for Thomas? maybe because he cried over Lady Sybil. and i hope O'Brien gets her just desserts--crikey!, she was the one who put the soap on the floor for Cora, which is way worse than anything Thomas ever plotted. and she just should not get away with that!

    the new servants, Jimmy and the new kitchen maid--boring! both of them are way too pretty and don't fit in with the rest of the cast.

    will matthew and mini-mary keep tom's baby? i can't imagine that he will go off with baby sybil, for there's a whole storyline there if she stays, but new daddy is a stubborn guy.

    the luncheon at isobel's...there's no way that a highly indignant Robert could win against that much girl-power, especially with a good pudding in the mix! --julie in jersey

    1. THANK YOU JULIE! Why do we feel sorry for Thomas?? I admit fully that I love him. And he's awful. It just makes no kindof sense.

      I can't stand Jimmy. He's such a little sissy. He needs to man up like Thomas. (How's THAT for blowing a stereotype right out of the water?! I think I've started something revolutionary!)

      I wondered that about Matthew and Mary. Egads. And will they hide her during Protestant holidays? ;)

      Robert SUCKED this season. Wait - he sucked last season too, with his indiscretion. Remember that?!

  3. My most favorite Dowager line this season.. she was talking about when her children were little. Someone said, "oh, I thought you had Nannys and Nurses to watch after your children." Her response.. "Oh yes, they were brought to me every day.. it was the most tiring hour of my day."
    And she delivered it as only she can. LOVE IT!
    ~MM in MN

    1. ROFLMAO!!! MM - that is classic. That woman is beyond fantastic. If she leaves, I'll be devastated. As far as I know, she's coming back...but with this show, you never know!!!
